She Crushes ECom

Dora Rankin - Timeless Ways to Get the Sale

Episode Summary

It’s always important to have a plan when going into a sales conversation. With everyone thinking that sales is gross, you need to be creative and genuine to get them interested! But how do you do that? Join Carina as she speaks with Dora Rankin about the timeless ways to get sales. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here are the things to expect in the episode:

And, you can sign up for Dora’s 5-day Business Bootcamp here!

About Dora:

According to Forbes, 30% of businesses in the U.S. are owned by women, but here’s something you may not know about them—only 2% make $1 million in revenue and only 18% are earning six figures. Dora Rankin is on a mission to change these statistics. With a lifetime of expertise developing top performing sales leaders, building start-ups and working with start-ups, as well as being certified in empowering women's leadership from Cornell University; she has claimed her title as business coach, globally advocating for women in business at all stages.

As founder of Gypsy Soul Coaching and co-founder of The Gypsy Soul//Wild Heart Collective she provides business coaching for women entrepreneurs that want to live their purpose and create wealth. Dora customizes her coaching for women in all stages of business, from small home bakeries to VC-backed startups. Her Simple Six coaching program includes money mindset, sales strategy, growth planning, capital planning and is delivered with genuine authenticity and a sincere desire to impact change.

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